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Horse behavior training

We all want a harmonious and stress-free relationship with our horse. But this does not always succeed and behavior that is annoying to us or even a behavioral disorder challenges our patience. So what is to be done?  One thing is certain: problematic behavior never appears out of nowhere and is to be found in misunderstandings in the communication between humans and horses.  I would like to get to the bottom of these misunderstandings with you and find out at what point we humans make a "mistake" or the horse is driven to undesirable behavior by external influences or often by the attitude.

Fine horse handling in a calm atmosphere is my top priority in order to avoid overloading the horse. Does the communication and leadership, the horse responsibility to the stove leaders can give people and begin to trust.

In the basic work on the ground, we lay a good foundation for this. Not only does the horse learn to concentrate longer and longer, to build muscles in a targeted manner, to balance itself and to trust us; We also learn to adapt our communication to the partner, because every horse has its own character and different limits. When the foundation of trust has been laid, we can put the horse into situations in which it is afraid and practice with him to abandon the behavior that has been triggered.


I will also analyze difficulties under the saddle , such as bucking, rejecting or other forms of "refusal to work" with you and together we will find a suitable way for you and your horse to get the problem under control.

By owning a horse, we make it our duty to deal with our animal. But it just doesn't speak our language. But like any language, communication with horses can also do  to be learned.

Therapy & counseling

Behavioral disorders are coping strategies for dealing with certain situations  to be able to.  They are always a sign that something has to be changed!

Seek advice if your horse is behaving in strange ways for you. The sooner  the behavior can be assessed, the greater the likelihood of preventing a pronounced, stereotypical behavioral disorder such as clipping or weaving through individual counseling.

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